To view formulation reference detail information, click the reference's title.
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View additional information on the following tabs:
On the Reference Detail page > Formulations tab, you will find for each formulation connected to the reference:
- Click the Formulations button view all formulations for the reference in a new tab/window to filter, share, export, and compare.
- Formulation title: Clicking the formulation title or View Formulation Detail opens the formulation's detail page where you may view details such as delivery route, physical form, and complete list of components.
- Location, purpose, and target.
- Components with function and amount reported: Clicking a linked (blue) component name opens ingredient information in a pop-up window.
On the Reference Detail page > Ingredients tab, you will find for each ingredient indexed in the reference:
- CAS Registry Number: Clicking the CAS RN opens ingredient information in a pop-up window.
- View Details: Clicking View Details opens the ingredient's detail page where you may view details such as key physical properties, structure image, and regulatory information.
- Formulation Co-Components: Clicking Commonly Formulated With displays other components that typically appear in a formulation with the ingredient.
- Regulatory Information: Clicking Regulatory Information opens that section on the Ingredient Detail page.
- Experimental Properties: Clicking Experimental Properties opens that section on the Ingredient Detail page.
- Chemical Formula
- Formulations: Clicking the Formulations button displays formulation results containing the ingredient.
- Suppliers: Clicking the Suppliers button displays a list of ingredient suppliers with links for ordering and additional product information.
Concepts are assigned to reference by indexers as an aid in finding the reference; the concept is discussed in the reference even though the exact term may not appear in the content.
On the Reference Detail page > Concepts tab, you will find an alphabetical list of source reference concepts.